Leonard Brecken (917) 701-5231
Retirement Plans
BCA offers both IRA & 401K based retirement plans for small business owners. In partnership with Schwab our custodian and third party administrators we offer SOLO, SEPs and SIMPLE IRAs depending on your specific financial situation. We then act to manage the underlying assets.
We offer 401K plans in partnership with Nova401k and with Schwab. For complete outsourced solutions, Nova401k acts as the third-party administrator while we act as the asset manager utilizing our model portfolios or a host of third-party asset managers. Utilizing Schwab the employer can act as the third-party administrator to lower costs. Because we offer our model portfolios as part of the plan offering Sponsors have the potential to lower plan fund COSTS, add SIMPLICITY in asset selection and TRANSPARENCY. Most importantly, the allocations and assets chosen with our input are consistent with our Investment Framework and economic outlook.
Exit Planning
BCA offers Exit Planning which facilitates a plan of transition to new owners that includes structuring a method of sale or purchase. Exit planning provides methods to prepare a business for sale, valuations, valuation enhancement plans and more. For business owners these offerings are seamlessly part of the individual planning process. Thus, providing under one roof a way for owners to plan their finances in and out of their business.
An overall financial plan is coordinated with our estate planning partners to mitigate estate taxes and provide a tax free path to clients heirs.
Compensation Plans
In addition, BCA offers the ability to structure Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Plans (via CUNA Mutual Retirement Solutions) that offer flexibility & can supplement retirement income, retain employees and profit performance incentives for top performing employees. In addition, we can structure qualified profit sharing plans (via Schwab) as well depending on owner needs.
Structured planning around a businesses Advantages & Profit Goals To Maximize Value